Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Division of Labor

To get ready for March I should be doing the things that Baleen's doing, reading books and worrying about cluster feeding and sleep training, which is worrisome enough to keep an adult up through the night in the last few months that she can sleep.

Instead, I've been doing my own little bit of preparation for March, but in a 2-quart gratin dish. Last night I cooked what we're eating tonight and tomorrow as it has been and will be a late week at work for both Baleen and me and, well, we'd like to eat well.

Which means Martha Rose Shulman and the NYTimes. She does what I wish Yotam had done, which is make wholesome, healthy and hearty foods that aren't too hard. Which means that for another night and then maybe a few more nights to come, before Baxter comes and Baleen stays at home, this is what I come home to.

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