Monday, October 24, 2011


Portuguese fishermen crossed the Atlantic and then the continent over a hundred years ago to pull sardines, albalone and other things from the Pacific. Then the Duarte family from the Azores followed them to feed the fisherman after long days in the cold fog. Now Baleen and I sometimes follow the new generation manning this stretch of the Pacific Coast, the motorcyclists, the bikers and the weekenders, into that restaurant started in Pescadero three generations ago.

But before we did, we cooked a dinner of our own on a grill in front of our yurt. It was pure glamping, with clean bathrooms a hundred yards from our door, and sockets for the iPad and iPhone, which was just the right pace for right now, the end of week 20.

We told the other couple with us about Baleen's last trip here, how she took a dive on her bike riding down the slick surface, and how we ended up at the Pescadero firehouse for some immediate first aid. But it had a good ending, we assured them, as over the advice of the firemen who told Baleen she probably should head to the ER to make sure everything was working, she instead insisted on Duarte's and some ollallieberry pie.

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