Thursday, October 13, 2011


Oh, the things I do when Baleen's not here. I prepare meals that require no preparation. I eat whole cucumbers. I swim after work. I bring Audrey to the dealership to service what I can't. I sleep in the middle of the bed.

What I'm trying especially hard not to do is watch The Office. The US version. I tried the British version, but I can't hear all of it. I have to strain to listen and turn my head to the side a little and then look at the TV a little slanted which just isn't worth it. It's not just that though. I work in a US office. I know what it's like to bring Cup O'Noodles to work. I've played basketball at lunch before. And while it's nice to know that their Lucozade is our Gatorade or they go to the toilet instead of the bathroom, I choose Scranton.

Forced imposition. If I didn't, I just might watch The Office until midnight, getting up a little bit later tomorrow that I otherwise would have, just as, each winter back in high school, I'd watch way too much Big Ten basketball on the 13-incher in my room, the one with the knobs instead of a remote control. So tomorrow night, while Baleen's walking up and down Bourbon Street with the sister and S2B, Baxter inside, I'll be tuned into Season 2 of The Office. Just like it's 2008.

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