Tuesday, December 13, 2011

6 More Seconds

2011's giving me one more chance to best 7.37. I gave it a shot this morning with 7.42, my second fastest time, and the third consecutive morning of improvement. Thursday just might be the day. It better, because after Thursday, it's two weeks of turkey and a few quarts of egg nog before I try again.

I'll know on Thursday about how I did, but not exactly, as frequency has led to familiarity these past two weeks. I feel it mostly on the sections where I used to relax for a seconds. If I can push through those moments, it just might be. Before, it felt like, pain, pain, pain, now it lets up and I can ease up, and I'm easing up, now it's rising again and there's pain, pain, pain, and a little less pain now because I'm letting up, and now it's over.

But to get 7.36, it'll have to feel like, pain, pain, pain, now don't let up and keep on pushing through the False Flats, hard through the circle, then more pain, staying in the saddle but keeping 10mph, then ninety more seconds of pain, then sixty, then thirty, and a final frickin push out of the saddle to the finish.


MCB said...

After New Years you might be able to get a new personal best. With the snow situation in Utah biking looks more likely than skiing, so you may just get some high altitute training.

Baleen & Hopalong said...

heck, yes. I'll bring along my Garmin bike computer so we can track our x-cty and snowshoeing expiditions. It's very important to know our mph through the snow covered aspens on those skinny skis and long poles.