Monday, December 12, 2011

German vs German Engineering

Oh, the immeasurable satisfaction of doing what you're told you can't do. Dario's Father knows what that's like, having biked to Inverness when everybody told him to drive there, or maybe even take a cab, and Baleen does, too, when she got plenty of counsel against moving to London, which meant she almost certainly never would have gotten that job and been transferred to California and we might never have met.

Those are big ones, but the small ones count, too. When the Audi dealership told me it would be $80 to replace a broken bulb, I figured I'd do it myself. When the instruction manual told me I really, really shouldn't, I got all Dario's Father on them and decided I had to.

Ten minutes on the internet and three trips up and down the stairs to stare at Audrey, our car, then back to the internet was what it took to get the light off. $5 was what it took from O'Reilly's to get what I needed. So with the 75 extra dollars in my pocket, I did a little solo dance in the garage and told Baleen to put on that blue dress, the one with the gold buttons on front as I was taking her in Audrey, the Audi with two fully functioning tail lights, to Wayfare Tavern, the new Tyler Florence restaurant downtown. We didn't have reservations, but hey, you don't really need reservations when you get there at 5.45, do you?


mkg said...

Don't forget about the epic battle between Abigail's mom and the IRS! That's another win for the "doing what you're told you can't do" camp.

But I like the "I got all Dario's Father on them" meme; which I take to mean that you became unreasonable and ridiculous :)

Groomzilla said...

I think when he said "I got all Dario's Father on them", he meant the he became incredibly awesome!

BTW, I love how all the names are fake except for the kids :).

fake mkg said...

Ah, of course! That's what he meant. Thanks for clarifying, Groomzilla.

Groomzilla said...

No problem, fake mkg!

It's always a pleasure to chat with you on blog comment threads.

And who is this real mkg, anyway?

Baleen & Hopalong said...

Maybe April 15th something will happen on that one, MoA. I'm just glad you're not in the clink. So is Abigail. And Dario. And fake MKG is really glad, too.