Friday, January 20, 2012

Go Away

It's raining here in San Francisco. The farmers need the rain, the mountains need the rain, and us city folk need it, too, to ensure we're not taking Navy showers all summer. I'm okay with that rational rationing, like Baleen limiting my bike commute to dry days, but I don't like it. 

They're calling for three days of rain which means the Sierras can start looking like winter again. There's still a few months to go, but it's been a historic low so far. December was almost the driest on record and even with the good start in November the whole season's precipitation has only totaled 33% of the average.  

Still, I'm glad it's raining. Like I said, we really really need it, though you can be glad for something and secretly long for something else, too, like the dry warm months when you could bike in this beautiful city wearing hardly a stitch. 

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