Monday, January 9, 2012

41 seconds

That's the difference between riding solo up Hawk Hill on a Saturday morning and chasing Christopher Robin and St Nick. Each ride has a few variables, like the wind, but the biggest is who's there. I'll ask Baleen, the family scientist, if there's something called competerone that's lacking when I ride solo that keeps me from pushing past when I want to quit.

Lord knows Baleen's had some surges these last few months with a few more to come. It started with estrogen all the way back in London last summer when nobody knew Baleen was pregnant, not even her, and she walked out of an ice cream shop because everything smelled so foul in there.

Then came an abundance of progesterone, the one that among other things makes your joints and ligaments loose so you can get the baby from the inside to the outside. It's the cause of Baleen's latest complaint, which well get louder on March 8th, that her tendons are sore, which always makes me laugh a little. I'm still waiting for my competerone to kick in.

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