Wednesday, March 21, 2012


When the Dragon Boss came out, everybody who saw him said he definitely got my genes. They pointed to his mouth or his eyes and said, There, that's you. They even pointed to parts of him or all of him and said, He looks a lot like Margarine.

Margarine liked that at the beginning, but now that a few days have passed and he looks more and more like a human, Margarine doesn't get mentioned as much, which upsets him. We're a little less focused on the feelings of a thirty-one year old than we are on this five day old, but Margarine hasn't given up. Big Emma tells us he's been staring at the photo below and swears it looks just like him.

Gigi, in town from Boston and saving our lives with wonderful meals, errands to Walgreen's and even running to get the car when Baleen fainted on the sidewalk today (Yikes, a little too much exertion after surgery, but she was up and alert after just a few seconds), thought for three days that his mouth was Wood Duck's, continually asking me for pictures of her to examine, but always ending with, I think it's Wood Duck, but I've seen that mouth somewhere. Well, it was right in front of her for eighteen years. It looks like Baleen's got the bottom half of the face while I have the top half. At least for now.

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

Dragon Boss is 100% Baleen to me! He's so cute! xo