Friday, March 23, 2012

The Hunter

100 million years ago I was a hunter. I slept soundly through most of the first two nights of hospital feedings, not even waking when the night nurse would jostle my bed or turn on the spotlight right above me. It's because way back when, when I was in the Olduvai Gorge, I must have been one of the endurance runners who chased down meat for the group. I needed my rest for that, I thought.

But evolution evolves and I've become a gatherer, or rather, a consumer of what Gigi gathers for me. I awake at most any flutter from the Dragon Boss. When I'm especially short on sleep, I'm an even lighter sleeper.

I hear his breathing and jostling a few feet away and try both to interpret it, and to figure out what direction his sounds are going. If they're leaning toward wakening, then it's even less sleep for me and Baleen, but if he's headed back to sleep, then the both of us can get our little bit of rest before the next big movement.  

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