Monday, March 26, 2012


The Dragon Boss thinks night is day and day is night. This is not uncommon for newborns who might spend their first few weeks like they did their gestational months, asleep during the day, soothed by mom's motions and awake at night, just making sure everything on the outside's okay. But unless you're in the Arctic Circle in June, this inversion just might drive you crazy. It's testing these parents' patience.

We've done the basics, like ensuring Baleen's dinner diet was bland, bland, bland with no spice that would keep the Dragon Boss up through the night. We've also tried to keep him up during that day for at least fifteen minutes after each feeding, often unsuccessfully, so now it's time for a little trickery.

We're leaving him unswaddled during his day naps. It's bright and a little noisy in here, yet still pleasant. The bouncing Bob says it's 70.1, but we want to associate the cocooning, warm sleep with some deep REM at night so mom and dad can get their rest, too. We know he's still going to wake us up when he's hungry, we just wouldn't mind getting some sleep between feeds. It might be that 7pm is our new bedtime.

1 comment:

erb22 said...

That sounds so tough! :/ But how could you be mad at such a lil cutie!! I'm sure he'll straighten up soon. Hang in there and thanks for the updates/pictures. They make our day!!