Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Australians are a hearty lot. They wake up earlier than we do in San Francisco for their early morning bike rides, they exit the financial district en masse at noon to swim, run, and play in the Royal Botanical Garden, and they deal with the everyday dangers of poisonous plants in their backyard, not to mention plagues of monsoons, floods and earthquakes.

I saw Bondi Beach for the first time today, and the mass of surfers a little further south at Maroubra, but the pace in the group was a little fast for a photo. As I said, Australians are a hearty lot. Work starts today, as does a thunderstorm, which means I might see lighting for the first time in years.

Maybe San Francisco is making me soft. I sleep in, there aren't thunderstorms and the only botanical dangers are rashes from poison oak. It's a Peter Pan place that doesn't always let young adults become adults, like Nate and Amanda said. But don't think I'm moving to Sydney. It's too expensive here, at least if you're spending American dollars.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of the sign I saw in London that said, "Please don't feed the pigeons as their droppings are slippery and spread disease."