Wednesday, July 25, 2012

More Shots

The Dragon Boss loves San Francisco. He didn't even mind taking the BART home from the airport on Sunday, walking the mile with mom from the 24th St station to our apartment in the Mission suburbs so he could get a feel for his city again, while his dad carried the 160 pounds of luggage it takes so support this family of three for a month in Massachusetts.

In the three nights he's spent in his own bed in his own room in his own city, he's slept through all of them. This morning we had to wake him up at 7.30am like a teenager late for school. This continual slumber is in stark contrast to how he slept on the East Coast where he usually woke his mom up a few times a night and wouldn't go to sleep without his pacifier.

The days have gone well, too, a combination of good activity and nice naps with one notable exception. TDB got two shots at his 4-month pediatrician's visit yesterday. The first occured without event, but he gave out one heck of a shriek for the second, and spent the rest of the day squawking like a flock of geese if Baleen didn't play with him. We assume it was the shots that were bothering him, but maybe it was his declining measurements: only 90% in relative weight at 17.5 lbs and 75% in length at 25.5 inches.

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