Monday, July 16, 2012


The Dragon Boss took his first boat ride yesterday. It was a large boat, big enough to carry dozens of cars along with bikers and pedestrians from Cape Cod to the island of Martha's Vineyard. Gigi, Mikey, Marmee and PaPa came along, too, as we delivered TDB back to Baleen who'd been mom for two nights to half a dozen twenty-somethings at Aunt Erin's bachelerotte.

We stayed outside on the middle deck of the bow (as long as the bow is the front of the boat) where TDB could see the island we were aiming for and feel the cool sea breezes absent these last few days from the North Shore.

He smiled a wide smile when Baleen arrived after their 56 hours apart, their absolute longest to date, and let her know that he had missed her, but that he'd been alright with dad for a few days. Hey mom, he said, we did a lot of hiking and standing in the grass behind Gigi's house and I hung out with Dario and Abby, but it's good to be back with you mom.

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