Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day

The Dragon Boss loves the Fourth of July. That's what his mom tells me and I've got the picture to prove it. When the fireworks went up she said that he couldn't take his eyes off them.

She brought him inside for the grand finale, against the wishes of Gigi and the crowd of admirers along the North Shore, as she worried all the noise might overexcite him. She is the one, after all, who pays for it at 2am.

But what's easy to notice in the below photo, besides how much The Dragon Boss loves his country, is how big he is. He's barely over 3 and a half months, but already he's snug in his 6 month outfits. Another few months and he'll be telling us his clothes are too tight. And maybe, that there are too many bows for a man of his size.

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