Friday, July 27, 2012


It's 100 degrees under The Dragon Boss' right arm. We're told that's a typical response to vaccinations, one that sent Rowan and his mom to the emergency room on Wednesday night, but it took us a few days to bring out the thermometer because TDB is just so darn well behaved.

He didn't cry any more than he normally does, which is very little, and in describing his symptoms to the nurse on the phone, we said he just wanted to be held a little more than normal. And who doesn't want to hold TDB, we asked?

The nurse hotline told us to check his temperature every 4 hours to make sure it doesn't increase. I've got the first one, a little after midnight, and Baleen will take the second one, four hours later. And four hours after that, hopefully all three of us are waking up for breakfast.

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