Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Super Mario...

It's a two for one special tonight. We had one of Baleen's favorites, Chicken Thighs with Mint & Green Olives from happy Mario Batali. I made enough to cover tomorrow night when I just might get home from soccer at 8.30 to find Baleen deep deep deep into REM sleep.

The chicken thighs is a favorite, not only in this household but in Mario's restaurant, too. He says in the recipe's intro that whenever it's on the menu he knows what the staff's late night meal will be and that they'll be happy. It's a favorite of Baleen's because it's damn tasty, it's a favorite of mine because it's hearty and rightly priced with those chicken thighs, and it's a favorite of Wood Duck's who first introduced me to the recipe years ago.

One day, I may take Baleen to Babbo where we'll see if they've got it on the menu, then not order it because it's something I can approximate, I'll tell Baleen, while I'll scan the menu for Mint Love Letters, the only dish without pomegranants that's made Abigail's mom swoon, at least that I've heard of.


mkg said...

That does look tasty. Are you starting to plan for march what meals to freeze, or are you folding down the corners of recipes that can be cooked in under 15 minutes using only one hand? With all of these posts about great food I am starting to feel too intimidated to bring you standard post-baby casserole gift.

But I guess there's always papalote!

Baleen & Hopalong said...

Ha! I'll start practicing now. I think I could cook pasta with only one hand and my eyes closed. Turning back the clock to 2002.