Friday, September 2, 2011

Pro Bono

Just the essentials, as you can see, as we leave behind Blackberries and bikes for ten days and head east. Four pairs of goggles, illumination to find each other after dark and enough snacks to keep Baleen from collapsing on airplanes. There's no liquid above 3 fl oz, but there is something to worry about.

The 40 Days of Musa Dagh, the fictional account that supposedly isn't that fictional about the Armenians trying to get the heck out of Ottoman at the end of the First War, is just out of sight. I'll start it tomorrow and hope to finish all 800 pages of it before we reach Turkey.

Otherwise, I'll have my brother and s2B interpret Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code and ask if bringing the book, but not talking about it "insults Turkishness", the law that got Nobel Prize winner Orhan Pamuk thrown in jail. If so, then a young corporate lawyer and a trial lawyer may team up not only in matrimony, but also an international criminal court.


Brother said...

I am not a corporate lawyer. I'm a trial lawyer.

Baleen & Hopalong said...

Corrected accordingly, dear brother. Written in a hurry last night while trying to decide what Lara Bars Baleen would like. Still not sure how she'll like key lime pie.