Monday, September 12, 2011

The Cold War

We're in Asia now. Though it's my first time, Baleen's been here plenty, mostly further east in that most populous place in the world. But for one temper tantrum from an eight year old, this would have been a homecoming.

When we lived outside Seattle, and I was ten years old, Margarine was eight and Shrimp Jr probably three or four. We'd been in Washington almost three years which is about the time that Army officers receive new orders, though we were too young to know that. One winter night, and I know it was winter because the darkness made the news all the grimmer, Grizzly told us that we were moving to Turkey. Gorbachev was in power, the Berlin Wall still stood, and our country needed us in Turkey. All five of us. 

Margarine threw a fit. He cried like no eight year old has cried before, at least no eight year old in our house, and Shrimp Jr followed suit because whatever had big brother throwing a fit like that must have been something she should protest, too. Sometime later Mr Gendron and Chris picked me up to go to the Tacoma Dome for the hunting and fishing expo where I walked around like I'd just come from a funeral. Eight months later we loaded up the minivan and station wagon and moved to Williamsburg, Virginia. 

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