Wednesday, August 15, 2012


On Tuesday night, Baleen and I looked back on two years of Baleen telling customer services agent, No, it's C-K-E, with a dinner at West of Pecos. We meant to eat at the bar at Locanda, as we had a few months ago at a Saturday night at 7.30, but we mistakenly thought that all San Francisco residents would still be in front of the mirror at 7pm when we arrived, leaving the whole bar to the two of us, but there was already an hour wait when we got there.

So we jaywalked across Valencia, sat down at the bar, and ordered a Shiner Bock. The location was appropriate as Pecos is west Texas, west of Odessa in fact. If you walk due north, you'll eventually hit New Mexico which is where we were this time last year. We put that on top of the page as we recounted the last 12 months in Baleen's notebook, a tactic borrowed from Henley's parents.

There was plenty to write down over green chile cheeseburgers and chile rellenos, from those footloose days before The Dragon Boss, to the 9 months of anticipation and telling people and accumulating goods to March 16th, 2012. And on the first day of our third year of marriage, we spent it at the doctor's office with TDB getting fitted for an inhaler. Here's to the next 12 months.

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