Monday, August 1, 2011

Things to be Excited About

1. Filling Baleen's glass with sparkles. She's got a hankering for sparkles right now. Lots of them. It's bottom's up here in San Francisco.

2. Laying out the outfit for the Tuesday morning ride. Outside the bedroom so I don't wake Baleen and laid out about in the order I'll put it on so I don't curse and mutter and search for things in the pre-dawn darkness.

3. Travels. Laying out more outfits for New Mexico, reading maps and a little fiction, even if it's from half a century ago and about sixteen decades ago. And even if Willa Cather didn't ride the Sante Fe Trail on a donkey, and she wasn't as close to the Catholic priests who did as to the prairies she knew, I'll keep on pushing a little longer because Death Comes for the Archbishop has told me about the Acoma Pueblo, and made me look up things that I hope to see or at least to say, like mesas and arroyos. But if it still doesn't have me by Thursday, then it's the body and the belly, and what will be my first purchase on Baleen's iPad, because my mom and NPR told me about it and because we'll be there, and because Georgia was there for the first time once, too.

4. Blogging. Telling friends and family what we've been up to. If I just cut out the occasional visits to The Sun and The Daily Mail to tell me which English soccer players have been messing with each other's girls, and staying to read about Amy Winehouse and TOWIE, then it won't take any more time.

5. Having breakfast with Baleen after the Tuesday morning ride. Because that only happens when she works for home. Which hasn't happened yet. Until tomorrow. 

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