Friday, April 27, 2012


The Dragon Boss doesn't have grandparents. He has Gigi, Marmee, PaPa and, as of today, Babu and Nyanya. That's not New England speak for grandma and grandpa, as you might expect from those who might give The Dragon Boss his first lobstah, but Swahili. Naturally.

They all chose their own names with varying amounts of forethought. It wasn't like when Baleen showed up at the Social Security Office a few weeks our wedding looking to change her last name. When they asked, And what will be your middle name, she panicked for a second. Everything up 'til then she had thought about: invitations, the dress, the food, the location, the band, the marriage certificate, but not her middle name.

But not these grandparents. They thought ahead. After all, they'll be the names that any of the The Dragon Boss' siblings and cousins will call Gigi, et al. Which means that around 2042, I just might be Grandpa B.

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