Friday, April 13, 2012

Boys, Boys, Boys

It's raining men in 2012. Let's count, in order of appearance: The Dragon Boss, Leroy (born to another Leory, just up the hill, and competing with Coop for the fieriest hair in the city), and Cooper. There's the child of unknown gender to come from the former GSB First Lady in June and AuHK's boy a few months after that.

AC might raise her infant hand and say, Hey, what about me, but a few things disqualify her from this biased survey, like having an older sister, which not only means that she might not ever wear a new piece of clothing, but that she's not quite fawned over like these other first-borns, and also that she lives in Minnesota, which is more foreign than Canada, not according to laws or presidential candidates, but by visits from me (Canada: 15, Minnesota: 0).

Then there's the newest boy, Renzo Bernard Rocca, or RBR IV for short. IV because he's another Bernard, maybe the fourth over the generations, and because he's the fourth child in that family. 12,000 diapers down, 4,000 more to go. No word yet on whether the Roccas are working on V.

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