Friday, January 25, 2013

Baleen's Back (so I've heard)

The Dragon Boss didn't see Baleen today - she landed at SFO just before noon, then work called, asking her to boost that stock price and she didn't make it home until almost 9 - so TDB wanted me to tell her about our week together.

Mama, I can't wait to see you tomorrow and I couldn't wait to tell you about my week with dad so here goes. I really missed you when you left and I would have been a lot more affectionate, but I didn't realize then I wouldn't see you for five days! Dad started singing on the way home from the airport and his voice just isn't anything like yours so I started singing right over him until he stopped. We went for our first bike ride the afternoon you left, but the streets were full of people in 49ers jerseys honking their horns and dad was worried about over-excited fans so we only went to Dolores Park, watched chaos hour which is a sunny, Sunday afternoon at the playground, and then headed home. Dad stopped at Arizmendi and gave me the slightest taste of my first piece of pizza. Goat cheese and tomato.

The next day he insisted we go on a bike ride all the way to the Ferry Building, staying on the bike lanes and passing the little bridge on 3rd Street that took us by the ballpark. Dad said that's where the Giants play and that I must be the city's lucky charm as it's the first year the Giants and the 49ers have both been playing for the championship. I pointed out that the city's pension deficit is still astoundingly large and that at least a few thousand other babies were born last year, but he wasn't listening. We ate lunch by the boats and dad said you might be by the water right then, too, but by a completely different ocean. I asked dad if the water in front of us had ever been to where you were right then and dad said that was a good question, but he didn't think so. He also said that was a science question so you would probably know better. Has it? On the other nights we did some roughhousing either in the living room or on your big, comfy bed and last night dad took me to my first art gallery. You were featured there, as was dad, in some art work by the Black Sheep, but dad rushed me out of there before I could crawl on the carpet of wigs (the Black Sheep kept calling it a floor installation) as it was nearly bedtime. He was okay at feeding me each night and finding Monkey for me, but he sure didn't read as much as you do. I think he was a little tired, but he told me what you were doing each day and whether you were in Rio or Sao Paulo and tonight he said you were in Silicon Valley and that you didn't need a visa to get there, just a car. Well, I'm going to bed now so next thing I know it'll be morning and you will be here. Dad said he'd leave the door open a crack so you can kiss me goodnight. I hope it's you who picks me up in the morning.

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