Wednesday, October 10, 2012


The Dragon Boss came to work with me this morning. We took the early J train right outside our door, early enough to get a comfortable seat in the last car. TDB hung out in the Baby Bjorn on my chest watching the San Francisco downtown working crowd: men in sharp suits with nice shoes and nice haircuts, the jeans and t-shirt crowd, and the man who got on with golf clubs, looked down at TDB and said, Good morning, blue eyes.

On the 5.45 train home, we were squeezed in like sardines. TDB, again on my chest in the Baby Bjorn, seemed just as happy as before, even as I worried he'd soon start overheating like his dad. People talk to you when they're forced up right next to you with a baby on your chest like they wouldn't if there wasn't a baby there.

One woman asked how old TDB was and said she was on her way home to her 10 month old. Another told him he was being so good. The closest guy, wearing a nice, crisp white shirt and closest to TDB, right in front of him, actually, said, loudly, I'm guessing becasue of the earphones connected to his iPhone, He's not going to spit up on me, is me?   

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