Friday, September 7, 2012

Planes, Trains and Butternut Squash

Baleen's putting Gerber out of business. Our fridge is full of pureed portions of carrots and butternut squash, all part of introducing solid foods and developing The Dragon Boss' early taste buds. No preservatives, salt or sugar here in the Mission suburbs.

But if we're putting Gerber out of business, we're stuffing Clorox's coffers. It's messy business feeding an almost six month old. Of the four ounces we try to stuff down him, two make it in, one stays on his face and one all over his bib, or if we forget to put a bib on him, his outfit.

Which means that our washing machine is running almost as much as our baby blender. But it's worth it when TDB sits in that high chair and by about the third bite, starts reaching for the spoon.

1 comment:

3 Speed said...

What's the difference between a baby blender and a normal blender? Is a baby blender more easily operated by babies?