Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Most of Baleen and my dinner for two conversations are about fkaBaxter, things like where he'll sleep, what he'll eat, and what he'll wear. Books and friends help guide these decisions while Baleen's opinion on these things is stronger than mine as she's done more of the preparation and thinking about them. That means that most of the time, she's patiently explaining her thoughts to me and how she got there.

But every now and then, there's something that Baleen doesn't know, things like frogs and snails and puppy dogs' tails. A few weeks ago, she was on Facebook while I was listening to the Broncos-Steelers playoff game on the radio in the other room. Seconds after that walk-off 80-yard touchdown pass, she asked, Who's Tee-bow? He's all over Facebook. So I explained the cultural phenomenem that was Tim Tebow, the person who had everybody from Lindsey Vonn to fighter pilots stationed in Kabul, Tebowing.

Last night it was Jeremy Lin, the first unrecruited (by anybody except Harvard) and then undrafted New York Knicks point guard, discarded by Golden State and Houston, picked up by the Knicks only because everybody else was injured, who slept on his graduate student younger brother's couch for a few nights before heading to work at the Garden through the players' entrance. Great, Balen said, now I've got to learn about trucks, trains, Tebow and Jeremy Lin.

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