Thursday, February 16, 2012

Relentless Improvement

There's no standing still here. My 7.13 on Hawk Hill 16 days ago put me in the Top 10 for all of 5 days before somebody named Joe Cackler kicked me out. Damn Joe Cackler, I said a few weeks ago. Now I'd have to damn a few more; he's 13th and I'm 15th.

The number of AM Raiders willing to get up before 6 has grown, adding a few more hummingbirds to the list, but mostly making those who keep showing up a little bit faster each time. Seconds are chipped away like picked up pennies, though St Nick and Subway seem to be finding nickles and dimes out there.

A group like this doesn't wait around. If you miss the jump, because of a truck crossing in front of you or becasue you couldn't keep the pace at the Start, you're done, abandoned on the Flats to do the work yourself, pushing only for pride, which is still enough to keep you well under eight minutes, but not anywhere near those times you dream about the night before.

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