Friday, February 3, 2012

fka Baxter

Well, Baxter2B isn't going to be Baxter. Too many people had seen Anchorman, a movie I'll never now see, and told us we couldn't name our son Baxter. While we'd be willing to swim against the flow of a few opinions, dozens were too many.

That means we've got a baby book on the iPad and a standing discussion every night between 8.30 to 9.30 pm to review names. Margarine and Shrimp Jr tell us we've got to do the hard thinking now because when it comes to the second or even third child, creativity ebbs. At least that's their experience in the sample of one, Grizzly and Wood Duck, as they both have Top 200 names.

Baleen and I are A-Okay with Top 200 names. It works for Margarine and Shrimp Jr. They're easy to pronounce, spelling rarely requires confirmation (important when paired with his last name), and there's a good chance you can find a backpack with your name on it in Freeport, Maine for half price. We don't need to be trendy. Besides, the trend is swinging in distinct names' favor, meaning that if we want to bestow some uniqueness on fka Baxter, we just might have to go Top 200.
Source: The Economist, 1.14.12

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