The new dad survival guide says that all new dads need some sort of man cave, even if it's a walk-in closet that's stuffed with a chair, newspapers and old Sports Illustrateds. A place where dads can get away from all things parenting and return for a just a moment to the life they used to know before the little one arrived.
Well, that parenting guide never rented an apartment in the most expensive city in America where not even the clothes in our closet have nearly as much room as they need. I still like the concept, it just occurs outside the apartment, at one of two coffee shops on the way to work, Four Barrel deep down Valencia, with their preferred music, $2 house blend, and 7am opening, or, if I'm ready before then (but not before 6am), Ritual Roasters further up Valencia.
Ritual's daily cuppings of Colombian, Kenyan and whatever other beans they feel like brewing range from $2 to $5 and I, predictably, always choose the cheapest because even the cheapest is incredibly good. They also have a loyalty card which allowed me on this Wednesday morning to sample a $5 cup of coffee for free, a Colombian microblend. It was good, though I didn't prefer it to the $2 version, and even if I had, no way I'd return to it at 2.5x the cost of the incredibly good option.
Well, that parenting guide never rented an apartment in the most expensive city in America where not even the clothes in our closet have nearly as much room as they need. I still like the concept, it just occurs outside the apartment, at one of two coffee shops on the way to work, Four Barrel deep down Valencia, with their preferred music, $2 house blend, and 7am opening, or, if I'm ready before then (but not before 6am), Ritual Roasters further up Valencia.
Ritual's daily cuppings of Colombian, Kenyan and whatever other beans they feel like brewing range from $2 to $5 and I, predictably, always choose the cheapest because even the cheapest is incredibly good. They also have a loyalty card which allowed me on this Wednesday morning to sample a $5 cup of coffee for free, a Colombian microblend. It was good, though I didn't prefer it to the $2 version, and even if I had, no way I'd return to it at 2.5x the cost of the incredibly good option.