First-time parents, at least in this zip code, are hyperalert. Baleen wakes up five minutes before the Dragon Boss and tells me, it's time for his feed. Five minutes later, he's awake. But that sensitivity means that Baleen (and I) aren't just attuned to his needs, we're worried about them. We've sent texts, emails and phone calls to the moms of Abigail, Dario and Henry, but that's just when we've been really worried about something. For everything else, it's been the Goog. If you were to look through Baleen and my search history over the last 13 days, the first two weeks of Whit's life, this is what you'd see.
When does the umbilical cord fall out...can spitting babies sleep with a pacifier...would cracked nipples make baby spit up cloth diapers make him sweaty...nursing mother's companion 6th edition vs. 4th edition...proper latch...newborn sleeps too much...newborn sleeps too little...when can you suction baby boogers...can you feed when hiccuping...when does baby's hair fall I pump both sides...when to pump without getting engorged...when is the breast empty...when does the baby reach the hindmilk...does spicy food cause a fussy baby...what happens when the umbilical cord falls out...can you overwash your hands...when do babies sleep through the people keep the umbilical cord?