Leaps and bounds. The heck with stasis, and shaving two seconds off my best time here, another second there. Why not beat it by twenty-one seconds? 7.13, friends and family. Here's how. Follow the big Kenyan in the Colombia jersey, the guy who reads a book a week, from Neal Stephenson to Erik Larson, all the way to Nairobi. I mean the Circle. Stay tight on his wheel. Don't leave it.
At the Circle, when you've got the energy in your legs that you haven't had before, go for it. Leave the Kenyan behind without thanking him and ride for the top. Push til you puke, like Asprilla says, or just short of it. Once there, wonder at what just might have happened, that you used less energy to get to the place you usually are on Tuesday mornings in less time than ever before. Wish you would have paid a little more attention to high school physics and learned this lesson earlier.
Don't apply this lesson to the sprint, especially on a dry January day like this that brought twenty-nine riders out in the just dawning light. Instead of hanging eight riders back on the inside lane where you get boxed out, expend the energy early to get out front. Then you woudln't be sitting here wondering if you could have caught Johnny Utah at the line, rather than just getting in reach.
At the Circle, when you've got the energy in your legs that you haven't had before, go for it. Leave the Kenyan behind without thanking him and ride for the top. Push til you puke, like Asprilla says, or just short of it. Once there, wonder at what just might have happened, that you used less energy to get to the place you usually are on Tuesday mornings in less time than ever before. Wish you would have paid a little more attention to high school physics and learned this lesson earlier.
Don't apply this lesson to the sprint, especially on a dry January day like this that brought twenty-nine riders out in the just dawning light. Instead of hanging eight riders back on the inside lane where you get boxed out, expend the energy early to get out front. Then you woudln't be sitting here wondering if you could have caught Johnny Utah at the line, rather than just getting in reach.