We're back home now. The jet lag, they say, is a lot easier coming West, but the winds aren't. What took us 14 hours on the way out was closer to 17 on the way back, about 7 of which The Dragon Boss spent on my chest, mostly sleeping, but also burrowing his face into my buttons and swinging it back and forth every ten or so minutes, or every time I moved the slightest bit, which couldn't have been all that restful.
Baleen slept most of the flight, thankfully, as our teamwork meant I got the plane, she got the first day back, as it's been about 36 hours since I last slept. I watched a little of the movie on the plane as that's all the space would allow.
It's going to be a quiet New Year's Eve here in the Mission suburbs. We're trying as hard as we can to stay up past 7pm and Baleen's found just the cure, Lena Dunham's Girls. Season 1 is on iTunes and rather than reflect about all the great events in 2012, recent and over 9 months old now, we're just going to watch a few 20-somethings struggling to grow up in Brooklyn.